Created more than sixty years ago by Lucien Seroin and his son Paul, the Sant'Armettu domain blossoms in the south of Corsica, between sea and mountains. This ground and its enchanting beauty owes its name to a hermit passionated by plants with the gift of healing. The story of Saint Hermit deeply inspired Gilles Seroin, 5th generation of wine-grower in his family. Succeeding his father Paul, he knew how to develop his inheritance by exploiting all the potential of this wonderful vineyard.In this way, since the creation of its wine cellar in 1996, Sant'Armettu offers a rich sample group of wines with incredible aromas and very varied structures.
A remarkable skill that Gilles Seroin passes everyday on his children, Guillaume and Jeanne, to perpetuate this beautiful family journey.The wine's subtle language is a thing that we like to understand with passion here, at the Sant'Armettu domain.